Rose Bouquet

Brighten someone's day by sending them a classic rose bouquet with a twist. Contact us for same-day delivery. Flower delivery available for Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya, Puchong, Shah Alam, Klang Valley.
Next-day Delivery
A hand bouquet comprising 5 stalks of pink roses and a ping pong chrysanthemum.
Fresh Flower
Next-day Delivery
Fresh Flower
Your Local Flower Shop In Klang Valley
We provide same-day flower delivery to most addresses in the Klang Valley. Visit this page to check for our coverage area.

Place order before 3pm for delivery or pick up in the same day. Contact us if you need an urgent delivery.
We provide free delivery to most addresses in our coverage area for purchase of normal priced items of RM80 and above.

Delivery surcharge may apply for some addresses and/or delivery time slot. Delivery options and their rates (if any) will be displayed at the checkout page before payment is made.

Rose Bouquet Delivery In KL & Selangor

Thanks to their vivid colours, comparatively long lifespan, and pleasant aroma, roses are the most popular flower among our customers. In Malaysia, cut roses are supplied by local farmers as well as sourced from other countries such as China, India, Kenya, and Ecuador.

Our florists consider roses from Kenya and Ecuador as "premium roses" as roses imported from these two countries typically have larger flower bulbs compared to those sourced elsewhere. Furthermore, Kenya and Ecuador roses have thick petals which are less prone to curling. While curling petals are not uncommon, some may regard it as an indication that the flower has passed its peak blooming stage.

Red, pink, and white roses are the roses most sought by our customers. Red roses are the classic symbol of love, while pink roses represent admiration and white roses stand for eternal loyalty. Peach, purple, yellow, and blue roses are also available in our collection.

Kenya rose bouquets are available at Flower Sugar in a variety of styles. We replenish our Kenya roses twice a week, ensuring that the rose bouquets are as fresh as possible when delivered. Our top picks for Kenya rose bouquets are:

Rose bouquets can last up to a week in good weather (cool and humid) or in an air-conditioned environment before showing obvious signs of dehydration. We encourage our customers to transfer cut roses to a vase filled with water to improve water absorption in order to extend the life of the flowers. Trimming the bottom of the stems (by 3-5cm) once every 2 days will increase water absorption rate, extending the life of the flowers.